Sunday, February 15, 2009

Life's a garden, Dig it!

So this has been one of the best weekends ever! Two great weekends in a row! Last weekend I went surfing then to the Pro Bowl party! It was Great... This weekend I went to the Kona Hawaii Temple to do Temple Work and we also had a ward Valentines Day dance. So that is this blog! For all two of you that read it!

Me and My Valentines Date

Us Boys at the Kona Temple!

Thought Mom Would Like this One!

This is what we wear to the Temple in Hawaii! Haha Not really. Thats me changing into my clothes at the Kona airport in front of everyone... I love how laid back it is.

Us at the Dance again, We had a great time!

Friday, February 6, 2009

The Call

Okay So I had to wait 8 hours to open my call because I had to wait for some family! haha So things got a little crazy...

What's that you say? I'm going to Pokatelo, Idaho?

Hahahahah you're sooo funny Earl (the calls name)!!!

I love you!

Me and some friends waiting for my call....

And Waiting....

Still waiting.... now its about nine my time and 11pm vegas time!

This is my roommate... he is tight. And yes there are black Mormons! You guys are silly!

Finally the call came! Way exciting, could not ask for anything better!

The Few... the Proud.... that waited for hours!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Well if you Don't know I am going to Uruguay... speacial thanks to Kristin for setting up this blog... Technology id crazy, thank goodness we have kristin and Tori (Voted most like to die while texting). We will be uploading (or attempting at least) letters and photos from my mission. Anyone is welcome to this blog... even crazy stalkers that want to kill me... the more the merry. It is expected that people will comment regularly... all comments will be sent to me on my mission (probably not but lets just assume). I love my family and I can't wait to serve those Uruginians(?)! I will upload some images of me and my papers within the next few days!
Peace and Love
Elder Blanco