Sunday, February 15, 2009

Life's a garden, Dig it!

So this has been one of the best weekends ever! Two great weekends in a row! Last weekend I went surfing then to the Pro Bowl party! It was Great... This weekend I went to the Kona Hawaii Temple to do Temple Work and we also had a ward Valentines Day dance. So that is this blog! For all two of you that read it!

Me and My Valentines Date

Us Boys at the Kona Temple!

Thought Mom Would Like this One!

This is what we wear to the Temple in Hawaii! Haha Not really. Thats me changing into my clothes at the Kona airport in front of everyone... I love how laid back it is.

Us at the Dance again, We had a great time!


  1. dude... i am so jealous... i cant wait to get out and party in hawaii with you... your girl was cute too... good job representing as the only white who had a valentine, bret doent count as kristins valentine cause he is her husband...

  2. Ya Bret doesn't count till I get a present. And your Valentine is super cute...girls on the mainland are not that cute so keep her for sure!

  3. Joe, the Hawaiian dates are where its at! (Aunt Ben) We cant believe your going to Uraguay, we have some neighbors that moved there a year ago! We love you and we are excited for you!

  4. Elder Blanco has a blog...and I'm the fourth to comment. Bummer. Congrats on the call, and it looks like you're spending the last few months before leaving very wisely!!

  5. Elder Blanco,

    You crack me up with your comments!!! Yes, we received the post card and love it! You are the best! Glad you're having a fun time!

  6. Joe Joe, we miss you. Danny babysat our kids last weekend and he is there favorite right now j/k! We are excited for Danny and Julia, we hope you guys have a blast over there, we wish we could come! Take care....

  7. The previous comment was from Uncle Ben...can you tell? Well since we don't communicate via telephone here you go...I am not skipping your are skipping Bret's graduation! But really, I do wish I could be there...I know I would be a keynote speaker. We miss you!

  8. is this your girl or what? come on now joe i tell u everything where is the love?
